Overview and Vision
At Ox Close, we have adopted the Teaching for Mastery approach for maths. We want all children to enjoy mathematics and experience success in this subject.
We plan lesson that link to prior learning and are carefully sequenced in small steps, in order to ensure that all children can access new learning. Visual representations and models are carefully selected to expose the structure of mathematical concepts.
Each lesson begins with an opportunity for children to recap prior learning and key facts.
We understand that children’s chances of success are maximised if they develop deep and lasting understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts. Throughout our lessons, we support children in applying their learning to solve mathematical problems, make connections and reason about number.
Intent Statement
Mathematics_Statement of Intent
How is Maths taught at Ox Close
At Ox Close we believe that all children can succeed in Maths. All staff have been trained in the teaching for mastery approach, planning each teaching sequence in small steps to ensure that children’s learning is secure before moving on to the next step.
We believe that pupils benefit from sharing their understanding of concepts with their peers. Children are given frequent opportunities throughout the lessons to discuss their understanding of mathematical concepts. Pupils are taught to use manipulatives and visual representations, alongside formal written methods, to support their understanding and reasoning of concepts.
We understand that developing children’s reasoning skills is essential to ensure that pupils can apply their knowledge of basic concepts to different problems. Lessons are planned to incorporate reasoning activities that are accessible to all children, to allow all pupils to develop the skills and strategies they need to tackle more complex problems.
For more information about how we teach calculation, please follow the link to our calculation policy.
Ox Close Federation_Maths Calculation Policy
Our long term plans are based on the White Rose resources, but are supplemented by the NCETM Spine materials and Ready to Progress materials. This ensures that children’s learning is moved forward at a pace that allows for a deepened understanding of concepts to be developed.
Long Term Plans
Our long term plans provide an overview of coverage for the year, including our use of Mastering Number materials.
Progression in Maths_Nursery to Year 1
Maths Long Term Plan_Year 1 to Year 6
Medium Term Plans
Our medium term plans outline the small steps that children will be taught throughout each area of learning and outlines the suggested number of weeks that will be spent teaching each concept. The time spent on each area of learning may be adapted, to meet the needs of the pupils. Children’s knowledge will be assessed at the end of each topic and teachers will then adapt future planning to address the needs of the children.
The documents provide links to the NCTEM Ready to Progress materials, which teachers use to support pupils’ understanding of concepts and assess their understanding and also the NRICH problem solving materials, in order to provide children with regular opportunities to solve problems which are linked to their current learning.
MATHS Medium Term Planning_Year 1
MATHS Medium Term Planning_Year 2
MATHS Medium Term Planning_Year 3
MATHS Medium Term Planning_Year 4
MATHS Medium Term Planning_Year 5
MATHS Medium Term Planning_Year 6
Times Tables Progression
Ensuring the pupils have a secure recall and understanding of times tables is essential for children’s mathematical development. Out times table progression document outlines how times tables are taught throughout the school.
Key Vocabulary
Each medium term plan outlines the key vocabulary that will be introduced to children during each maths topic. This is in addition to the vocabulary that they will have been introduced to in previous years.
This is the link to the vocabulary document from the NCETM which details the meaning of vocabulary children will be exposed to in Key Stage 1 and 2.