Welcome to Class 1/2 J – Miss James
Hello, my name is Miss James and I have the privilege of teaching class 1/2J this year!
PE Days
Our class PE day is a Monday, with a second session taking place during the week.
Please can children bring their PE kits into school as they now get changed in school. In their kits, there should be appropriate sportswear: black bottoms, a white T-shirt and suitable trainers.
We kindly ask that your child does not wear earrings to school on this day and all hair must be tied back.
During the Winter months, children should also bring in a warm jumper/hoodie, as some sessions will be taking place outside.
Children will be set homework each week via SeeSaw and will also bring a hard copy of this home with them on a Friday. These can be returned in person or online by the following Wednesday and will support their current Maths topic in school.
Reading books
Each week, children will be assigned an online reading book using the ‘Collins Big Cat’ online library. https://ebooks.collinsopenpage.com/ Collins logins are available from school.
These books are matched to each individual in-line with their phonics work in school, making them both accessible and challenging at the correct level for your child.
In school, your child will take part in three guided reading group sessions per week, where we read their Little Wandle books with a focus on decoding, prosody and comprehension.
Reading Records
They will also bring home one book from school to read in their free time. A record of these books will be kept at school in the event of any losses/damage. Please ensure that your child accesses these texts as often as possible and record instances of reading at home in the Reading Records provided. Please find our reading expectations explained below:
Curriculum Overview
Please find below a summary of what we shall be learning this half term:
How to get in touch
The most convenient method of communication is our ‘seesaw’ app, which allows direct messaging and posting on your child’s journal. We will use Seesaw to share images of the amazing learning and experiences that we offer within school, as well as to inform you of any new information.
As always, if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss your child’s progress, I am available for in person meetings or phone calls (via the school office).