Hello, my name is Mrs Cox and I am the teacher in 5/6C.
PE Days
Our class PE day is a Thursday, with a second session taking place during the week.
Please can children bring their PE kits into school as they now get changed in school. In their kits, there should be appropriate sportswear: black bottoms, a white T-shirt and suitable trainers.
We kindly ask that your child does not wear earrings to school on this day and all hair must be tied back.
During the Winter months, children should also bring in a warm jumper/hoodie, as some sessions will be taking place outside.
Children now have a homework exercise book in which they will complete any homework. This will be set on a Friday and will be due in by the following Wednesday. This will be either Maths or English based. A copy will also be added to SeeSaw for students who are absent.
Year 5 Reading
As in previous years, the children will be using Accelerated Reader in order to develop their reading and comprehension skills. Once they have completed their book, they use the quick quiz at the end to assess their understanding of the text, before selecting their next read. All books on offer to students are levelled in order to provide the correct level of challenge. Please find below the link for this:
Accelerated Reader – Accelerated Reader
Year 6 Reading
Our students in Year 6 continue to use Reading Plus, our online reading platform that they joined last year. All login details remain the same, and they should use this both in school and at home to explore a wide range of interesting texts and comprehension activities. Please find the link to this below:
Reading Plus – Reading Plus
Reading Records
Children are provided with a reading book, whether this be an Accelerated Reader or Free Reader, and we continue to encourage even our strongest readers to read at home. A reading record is also sent home for you to record and comment on any reading completed outside of the classroom. Please find our reading expectations explained below:
Additional Resources
All children in Years 5 and 6 have access to Times Table Rockstars, which we encourage them to use as often as possible (aiming for 3 times per week). Knowing these multiplication and division facts is one of the key foundations of their work in Maths.
Times Table Rockstars – Times Table Rockstars
Curriculum Overview
Please find below a summary of what we shall be learning this half term: