During the school closures, it is important for you and your child to try to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. This can be difficult given the circumstances, and is dependant on the space you have available, but 30-60 minutes of exercise a day will have huge benefits for your physical and mental health. Not only will it help keep your body in shape, but it will give your brain a boost and make you feel more energetic for the rest of the day. Try some of these great activities below and have some fun!
Sports Bingo Board
Sedgefield SSP (School Sports Partnership) would like to invite you to join their Sports Bingo Challenge. Download a copy here.
Bringing us together through creativity, skill improvement and personal development, all achieved while having some FUN – sport will be important to help us feel fit on the inside as well as on the outside.
As well as posting daily challenges for you all on their SSP Facebook page – the Sports Bingo Challenge board contains a wide range of ideas for you try, some are physical, some are creative and some will need you to do some finding out. The challenges are all colour coded by theme to help you choose
Can you complete a line from top to bottom? A line across? A full house?
It’s not a race to finish fastest; take your time, do your best and improve where you can. Share any photos and videos with them on their Facebook page…there might even be some certificates awarded!
Enjoy whatever you choose to try. Please remember to stay safe, follow social distancing advice when you play and listen to the adults who are taking good care of you.
Share with us what you achieve and look out for new Bingo Boards and challenges coming soon.